Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A contiuation of my project

I've started to research the history of digital media and how it all came about. The concept of digitalizing media came about in the 80s but hasn't really caught on until recently (I'd say the past 4-5 years). That's why the timeline so far for my project is short, even though the concepts are older. Prototypes and concepts for computers and the Internet have been around for 15-20 years. Little did we (the general public/consumer) realize what would become of the Internet and technology.

An interesting idea that Walt Disney came up with was that of a place (Disney World) was to represent a physical Internet, a place where worlds could meet in one place, a place accessible to any one.

Just an idea I had.

I'm also still factoring in the educational tie in as well as the consumer-relation part (ie ebooks/readers, online newspapers, Internet, online publishing with Google books and blogs).

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Begin the Begin.. An Intro to my Tech presentation

I've been continually been researching my topic through my Google reader. Right now I'm looking at how digitalizing books and other various media (newspapers, movies, etc) are accessible to the average consumer. I'm also going to finish researching the history of digitizing media (the timeline) and hopefully sometime next week I will develop a thesis statement for my topic. I want to have Miller review it and see if it needs to be tweaked at all, additions/subtractions, etc.

I found out that one blog on my reader, Booksquare, has a lot of info about trends in digital books, etc. Very interesting stuff b/c it talks about current and classic books as well as dig. docs. Hopefully I can get in contact with one of the contributors so we can discuss the trends and ins and outs of technology and books. We'll see where that goes.

I've tried to come up with a rough thesis statement for this project. I'm willing to take any suggestions as I post what I was thinking. Also, I came up with a basic outline, going from the history of digital media to current events and all the fun info in between.